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Friday 31 January 2014

5 Ways to Get Longer Bookings

One of the things that sets FlatClub apart is a specialty in extended stays. Our average stay is about 30 nights! That’s often music to the ears of hosts as longer stays mean a little less work.

FlatClub is the perfect place to find a long booking. We’d like to share a couple simple pointers to make sure your flat looks great to guests shopping for extended stays.

Price Competitively 
The longer the booking, the more likely a guest will be on the hunt for a bargain. You’ll more than make up the difference in the amount of nights spent.

Offer Discounts on Longer Stays
Our platform makes it easy to discount for stays over 60 nights, and over 90 nights. Simply add a percentage discount into the pricing tab of your flat. Discounting your prices on longer stays is an irresistible hook to guests planning to spend a few months in your city.

Optimize Your Search Ranking
Your search ranking determines how high up on the search results page your flat is. Take a look at our blog for an in-depth look at how the search ranking works. Among the most important are responding to requests and messages as soon as possible & updating your calendar frequently.

Leave Reviews to Get Reviews
Once you do have a booking, be sure to leave a review for your guest. Writing reviews will gain you more reviews. Guests who are spending a lot of time in a flat are concerned about quality and positive reviews are one of the best ways to show it.

Relevant Descriptions for Long Stay Guests
It is important to be informative in your description for all guests, but long stay guests have different needs. For instance, you may include the distance to the nearest public transport, supermarkets, laundromats, and anything else you’d need access to during a stay of more than one month.

We are always available to assist improving the quality of your posting and helping to reach the right guests for you. Get in contact with our Host Relations team by emailing, or telling us when we should call you at