There are of course good points to the hustle & bustle of the season - what all of the festivities really mean, and of course, the meals. The holidays are all about togetherness & joining up as people in celebration, regardless of our individual differences. What brings people together more than food? The guests you'll be entertaining this year, whether it's through FlatClub or family & friends, will love & appreciate good home cooking. Make a holiday memory that will last forever with your guests by making a special meal with them.

If your guest is from a foreign country, where perhaps the traditions are different, you might consider doing a meal to celebrate the holidays together!
Here are some of the interesting traditional holiday foodstuffs from around the world that you could share with your guest:
In Spain during the Festive Season, most shops have a bowl with some turron, a nougat like confection and polvorones, crumbly sweet biscuits for clients & shoppers to take a piece. Leaving a bowl of sweets out for a Spanish guest with a Christmas card nearby will certainly be a welcome taste of home, and might be easier to do than roasting an entire traditional lamb with them!
In France, Christmas is often celebrated with a Yule Log, or rather a Bûche de Noël , as their dessert. These are getting easier to find in the UK and elsewhere, so buying a yule log in a shop or bakery to add to your festive table for your French guests should be easy - and will be much appreciated. If you’re confident in your cooking & decoration or your guest is willing to helping out, you can also try and make your own Buche de Noel!
While Christmas isn't traditionally celebrated in Japan, it is acknowledged through gift-giving & fried chicken on December 25th! So if you're hosting a Japanese guest, you could work together on a starter of fried chicken with a Japanese-inspired batter.
In Germany many different treats are eaten around the holidays, some of which you may not be familiar with - things like stollen (spiced, dense fruit bread), gluwein (hot mulled/spiced wine), and marzipan are all classically served in Germany in winter. With a German guest staying in your home, you could add these sweet treats to your table.
United States
The United States has holiday traditions involving preparations not common in the UK, such as pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and candied yams - sweet potatoes covered in sugar & butter topped with marshmallow and grilled. American guests would be happy to share these traditions with you.
Wherever you are on Earth & wherever your guest may be from, there is a festive meal that is eaten to celebrate getting together with good friends. Sharing something like this with your guests, especially at this time of year, will give you both a great feeling inside & a warm memory to hold forever.
Mouth watering for some great hosting opportunities? Want to make some extra cash during the holidays? Take a look at how to host a lodger during the holidays - or anytime - on FlatClub!