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Tuesday 19 May 2015

How to Get a Summer Internship

Summer is approaching fast - are you looking for an internship to occupy your time during the school break? We have some tips on how to find a summer internship & how to prepare yourself for it!

Image courtesy of Cris Pierry, via Flickr
Find a Summer Internship with a Big Company

Chances are good that your university organizes a ‘career’ or ‘job’ fair every year, so make sure that you’ve got your calendar marked and set aside. These are very useful & organized events that bring together potential interns (you) and potential employers (big corporations with a presence nearby). Finding a job through one of these fairs generally is the easiest & most stress-free way to go about landing your internship - however, you’re not guaranteed an internship just for showing up.

Make sure that you’re dressed to impress & keen to engage with the people at the booth for each company. Genuine interest makes just about as big of a difference as talent, and in an initial meeting like a career fair, your personality & conversation is the only thing that can set you apart.

Looking for something outside of your uni? Check out for UK internship listings. In the USA, you may find some on the websites of individual companies & on

Find a Summer Internship at a Startup

If you’d like to work at a startup - we can vouch for it as a great choice - there are a few different websites that can help you find an up-and-coming company looking for interns! In the UK, the best one is

If you’re located in the US and would like to stay there, has tons of options in Silicon Valley & New York, with a smattering of companies located elsewhere. It also lists European & UK startups, so it’s a good place to look in general. Tyba has listings in Europe & the UK.

Need somewhere to stay? Well, we here at FlatClub are happy to help with that, as you might guess. Search for yourself or add your criteria to our LiveDemand service & start receiving offers from our hosts.

We’ve also created a few articles that can help you jump start your search & give you a bit more information:

5 Articles to Help Interns
