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Tuesday 25 March 2014

Host Question Time With Girish

This time on Host Question Time, Girish, a full time host on FlatClub, sat down to tell us a little bit about his story.

How did you get started as a host? 

Well, I was working as a consultant, traveling frequently and staying in a lot of hotels. I personally enjoy traveling a lot. Traveling for leisure is the best, but I even enjoyed traveling for work. I did not however enjoy spending a lot of time in hotels, I really don't feel like it's the best way to spend time in a great city.

So your idea was to provide an alternative for traveling consultants? 

Exactly, consultants or any other type of business travellers, or any type of visitor really. I saw an opportunity to provide a different type of experience for people. It's been great. The fun side of full time hosting is meeting a variety of people.

I try to personally greet everyone who stays in my flats to make sure they're comfortable and doing well.

How has your lifestyle changed from working as a consultant to hosting? 

In terms of hours sometimes it feels like not too much! Haha, but for me, it is a much more interesting activity. You meet a lot of people and each guests stay, whether good or bad, is never the same. 

Any standout stories? 

Well, I helped a man sneak flowers into the flat for his girlfriend once! What happened was the flower delivery guy came at the wrong time. The girl had already returned. So, the guest called me for help and under the guise of "maintenance issues", I, and the flower delivery man snuck into the kitchen while he occupied her in the living room. It was good fun.

Thanks Girish! 

No problem. An visitors coming to London should have a look at: 

They are 2 of my favourites!