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Friday 27 May 2016

Stripping down to raise it up

Imagine walking to your car on a Tuesday morning. You stop in front and start to look for your keys. You cannot find them - they’re not in your jeans pocket, not in your coat. Where on Earth are they? Did someone steal them? You start getting frustrated when a member of your family comes running out of the house asking you what you are doing. “I’m looking for my car keys, who has them?” She tells you that this isn’t your car. That you haven’t driven a car for three years now. She must be lying, you think. She pulls you back into the house to show you your driver’s licence - it’s been voided three years ago. Feelings of shame rush through you. How could you have forgotten?

Patients living with Alzheimer’s disease experience these kind of situations on a daily basis. They are struggling not just with forgetfulness but also with feelings of shame, confusion, worry, anxiety, anger.

Which is why we could not be prouder to have one of our team members organise an event to raise money and awareness to battle this devastating disease. Alex Spencer and two of his friends - Zander and James Whitehurst - will be running through Jordan’s Wadi Rum Desert for five days covering 300km in an average heat of 30 degrees Celsius.

To raise awareness for their event, the boys are going on a Naked Mile run this Monday throughout central London! Starting point is the Jam Factory in SE1, after that they are going to run all across south London’s pier, passing Tower Bridge, London Bridge, Tate Modern, Southbank and the London Eye. Next point is Westminster and the Big Ben, along St James’s Park until they eventually reach the finish line at Buckingham Palace.

So come along, watch the boys run naked through London (okay, almost naked) and help us raise it up for fighting Alzheimer’s! Share your thoughts, snaps and videos on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #nakedmilerun

When can I see naked boys run through London? THIS Monday, 29th May at 12pm (noon).
And where? Starting point is the Jam Factory in SE1, then along south London’s pier over the Big Ben with the finish line being Buckingham Palace.
How can I help raise it up? Donate whatever you can on Ultra Vulture’s Just Giving page. And don’t forget to take photos and videos and share them with the social media world using the hashtag #nakedmilerun.

We here at FlatClub could not be prouder of our team member and are happy to double however much the boys raise on the day of the Naked Mile Run for this important cause.