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Monday 13 July 2015

What FlatClub Does in Dublin

Recently we were given the opportunity to have an on-air chat with the Dublin City FM crew. Our CCO Matt Chic was happy to answer a few questions about how we work in Dublin to help existing Dubliners make some extra euro, and new-to-the-city types find a great place to live.

Who’s FlatClub for?
Matt: We focus on the needs of the typical graduate student and young professionals; like those who are doing work placements. People who need stays between 3 to 6 months. We assist a variety of corporations with placing their employees in accommodation.

Do similar people stay together?
Matt: We do have a few examples of people staying with very similar people, but I can’t really say that’s the primary consideration of our guests.It’s a nice extra, but it’s not a big deal if they’re not all studying law.

Most of our guests are concerned with location, and price, and what the kind of amenities the accommodation has. Basic things like having access to wi-fi & laundry are very important to people who are going to be settled in for awhile, so those are a couple of the big ones.

How does FlatClub help people new to Dublin?
Matt: We have pre-vetted hosts with verified ID and verified photography - great for people who are first moving to a place, because it’s one less thing to worry about. We also help guests get educated on price expectations & transportation options in the city. It's brilliant for people who've never lived Dublin before, for example, because they go from knowing nothing to knowing enough to live there happily.

How about Irish people moving to a new location? What other cities do you work in?
Matt: We're a London based company so we do lots of work in London and other cities in the UK. We focus mostly in Europe at this time, so we have lots of accommodation in many of the European capitals. We're trying to get very good dynamic markets happening in our main cities; London, Cambridge, Dublin, Munich, and Paris. Looking to work more in Madrid. Imagine your main work & study centers of Europe, that’s where we are. We want to avoid spreading ourselves too thin.

How much does it cost - and who does it cost?
Matt: At the moment private individuals don't pay anything to work with us as hosts. We see them as a partner and the guest pays a small fee when they book.

About half the listings we have - have a best price guarantee program. It means the price they give on FlatClub is the same or cheaper as it is anywhere else. We know that it can be extremely challenging to find accommodation on the internet, and our team will assist in any way we can.