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Friday 27 September 2013

A Relocation Guide to Chicago

This week we have another featured Flat-Club relocation guide, this time it’s my (and Frank Sinatra’s) kind of town: Chicago!

Chicago is the most well known city in the midwest of the United States, a place in between the two coasts that offers as much vibrancy, culture, and activity as either New York or Los Angeles.

Chicago is a hub of business, and therefore sees many relocations throughout the year. If you’ll soon be living in the Windy City, check out our relocation guide for tips on how to adjust.

Chicago has so many museums, including the Field Museum which I can personally vouch for as being a great place for young and old alike. There also tons of shopping to be done in Chicago - start at Michigan Avenue and wind your way across town. Be sure to stop by Portillo’s for some Italian sausage once you’ve finished out the day’s activities!

Looking for a place in Chicago? Our free Expert Search can help you out! Give us a few details of when and where exactly you'd like to stay, and we'll match you with a great place.