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Friday 25 October 2013

FlatClub doubles our place in 2013’s Startups100

It seems like only yesterday we were announcing that we were chosen as finalists by the AMBA for the Entrepreneurial Venture Awards - and now we are honored to share more good news:

We placed nearly double where we did last year in the recently announced Startups100, which is a list of the most promising startups in the UK.

Quite the jump, and we could not be more pleased…

We’re in good company too, because 2 of our fellow TechHubbers were listed - CrowdCube & Eyetease - in addition to 2 from the LBS Incubator, including Sales Gossip & MenuSpring. It’s quite amazing that out of 7 companies who joined our batch of the 2011 LBS Incubator, 3 made it to the list. Well done, everyone.

This is a perfect opportunity to check which other startup competitions are coming next on the biggest database of UK and EU startup competitions.

We're excited to have another reason to celebrate like we did earlier this month!